Szanowne Koleżanki i Koledzy.
Acute Cardiac Care Association ESC zwróciła się z prośbą o rozpowszechnienie informacji o plnowanym w listopadzie br kursie i egzaminie certyfikującym wiedzę w tej dziedzinie.
Proszę o zapoznanie się z listem i wykorzystanie okazji.
Serdecznie pozdrawiam
Przewodnicząca Sekcji
Bożena Sobkowicz
Dear ACCA Board, Committees and Study groups members
We are pleased to inform you that the Registration to the ACCA School next November has opened today, during ESC Congress
Can you please pass the word to your young colleagues and friends (via email or social medias) to promote the School and the certification exam taking place day after
Seats are limited to 60 (First come first serve)
1st edition of the ACCA SCHOOL
A Unique opportunity for young physicians to attend a series of 7 hands-on training courses in the field of ACC
Register now on the ACCA web site or at ESC stand (if you are attending ESC Congress) –
Seats are limited to 60
you can have more details on